1 Big App: Email Extractor – does just exactly what the name says.
It extracts emails from text. All of them.
Use it for marketing. Wisely please. Nobody loves spam.

Tap “Paste” to paste your text with emails.
Tap “Extract” emails, to get the ball rolling.
Tap on any of the emails to copy to “Pasteboard”.
Tap “Copy all” to copy all the extracted emails to “Pasteboard”.
Alternatively, you can select the separator between the emails, so you could import them in the format your CRM accepts.
  1. Tap “Paste” to paste your text.
  2. Tap “Extract emails” to get the ball rolling.
  3. You can tap on any of the emails to copy it to “Pasteboard”. You can switch to a alternative view as well.
  4. Press “Copy all” to copy all the emails to “Pasteboard”. Also, you can select separator, so you CRM would accept all those emails ;)